
Empowering Women, Preserving Trees: That Girl Tree Care's Mission

Hello, I'm Ashley, the driving force behind That Girl Tree Care. At 38, my journey in the tree care industry began about 18 years ago, rooted in the lush landscapes near Des Moines. My outdoor career sprouted in the forestry department at Polk County Conservation, leading to diverse roles and experiences in the tree business. After attending Kirkwood Community College for Parks and Natural Resources, my husband Eric and I decided to call Cedar Rapids our home.

Tree Care Career Evolution

In Cedar Rapids, my path in the tree business has woven through various roles, from ground crew duties to orchestrating crane removals. I've managed a small tree service branch for a large company, earning a certification as an arborist along the way. However, a transformative moment occurred when I stepped out of my comfort zone for a 6-month, 2650-mile hike along the Pacific Crest Trail – a journey from Mexico to Canada that shifted my perspective on the world.

Passion for Tree Conservation

Following the severe derecho that led to a 70% loss of Cedar Rapids' canopy and witnessing the devastation of natural spaces through wildfires and drought out West during my hike, the importance of conservation urgency became profoundly significant to me. This realization prompted the launch of "That Girl" Tree Care. With 18 years of industry expertise, my mission is to preserve and maintain trees, emphasizing attempts to save before removals and empowering clients with tree care knowledge.

Empowering Women in Tree Care

Thriving as a woman in a male-dominated field, "That Girl" seeks to create an inclusive environment for women in the industry. Founded with a focus on empowering women, the mission is to establish a workplace that is not only safe but also fosters joy and support. Overcoming discrimination hurdles, the goal is to build a community that celebrates diversity and equality, challenging preconceived notions.

Behind the Name

The name "That Girl" originated from my experiences as one of the few women in the local tree care industry. Over the years, I've been asked, "Are you 'that girl' from X company?" or "Were you the girl climbing the tree on X street the other day?" This inquiry became a recurring theme in my career. As a current business owner, clients still share stories of searching for "that girl" who worked on their property years ago. "That Girl" encapsulates my journey—a testament to resilience and progress within the canopy of a male-dominated industry.

The "That Girl" Logo

The idea behind my logo is an expression of my admiration for the incredible beauty found in trees. It attempts to capture the delicate and graceful contours of tree branches, seamlessly intertwining them with the silhouette of my face. This symbolic fusion signifies that the allure of trees occupies my thoughts throughout each passing day.

The birds gracefully soaring around the trees within the design carry a meaning of freedom and resilience. They embody the capacity to rise above any challenges encountered in life or work, reflecting my commitment to overcoming obstacles. Additionally, these birds encapsulate my deep appreciation for nature as a whole.

The "That Girl" Logo

The idea behind my logo is an expression of my admiration for the incredible beauty found in trees. It attempts to capture the delicate and graceful contours of tree branches, seamlessly intertwining them with the silhouette of my face. This symbolic fusion signifies that the allure of trees occupies my thoughts throughout each passing day.

The birds gracefully soaring around the trees within the design carry a meaning of freedom and resilience. They embody the capacity to rise above any challenges encountered in life or work, reflecting my commitment to overcoming obstacles. Additionally, these birds encapsulate my deep appreciation for nature as a whole.

The Acorn Symbolism

A lot of people have asked, "Why the acorn?" This is the most important symbol to me—Acorns are a powerful representation of resilience and potential. Acorns, with their unassuming nature, signify fertility, growth, and the promise of a fresh start. Just as a tiny acorn can give rise to a mighty oak tree, "That Girl" embodies the belief that even in a male-dominated industry, women have untapped potential for growth and prosperity in the industry.

Representing New Beginnings

Representing new beginnings and growth was very important to me. "That Girl" was created based on this idea. Resigning from a comfortable and secure job, I set forth on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), a 2650-mile journey from Mexico to Canada. The hike became a transformative experience, fostering more personal growth than in the last 37 years of my life. Upon completing the journey, I returned home as a new person, prepared for a fresh chapter in my life. It was during this hike that the idea of "That Girl" was born. Since then, I have embraced this new chapter, and have never looked back or questioned this new beginning.

Meet DUG - Our Employee

DUG, a 13-year-old mini goldendoodle, is a constant companion on estimates.

Sporting his own "That Girl" T-shirt, DUG adds a touch of joy to our team.

Call 319-899-5311 to schedule your personalized tree consultation today.

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